You might lose it all.

Recently, I met Freddy Sim who kindly set aside time to chat with me about the benefits his profession offers others, his company & personal philosophy of success.

A personal advisor & asset to many Singaporean government officials and regular folk alike, Freddy emphasised the importance of wealth protection in the form of insurance by sharing a personal situation:

His mom had a bad fall which left her in a vegetative state. Hospitals care for such patients for only a limited period, so he has to transfer her to a nursing home - which costs $3000/month.

His mother did not buy insurance, and she was past the acceptable age bracket (when insurers will offer coverage for) when Freddy could begin purchasing plans for her. He mused:

"$3000 a month - can I afford it? Let's say yes. $360,000 a year... yes. $360,000 a year for 10 years?"

If you could pay a small price to handover possibly huge liabilities to someone else, would you?
Health insurance is essential for protecting your income AND your life.

Let's say you don't have insurance but are very fortunate to be able to pay for the best healthcare in the event of critical illness or accident.

Will you be able to take the strain of seeing all your savings wiped out in an instant, instead of using your money to help you enjoy life?

For those with families, getting the best coverage you can afford for your parents, siblings & children is worthwhile, too, as illustrated by Freddy's experience.

You need a firm foundation in health & wealth, in order to be able to grow either.

On just a small scale, imagine the time & money you waste nursing a bad cold or slipped disc... when all it would have taken were a few minutes here & there to care for yourself, thereby preventing them from happening. To top it off, you feel lousy!

Small decisions & incremental steps in the right direction will help us tremendously to enjoy life to our fullest potential.

There are some things in life we can't control. But when you can choose,
Will you opt for a win-win or lose-lose situation?

Are you considering a career as an Independent Financial Advisor?

Freddy* is a self-made millionaire with an incredible vision & work ethic: he came out of semi-retirement to set up Eternal Financial Advisory (EFA) & personally mentor each of his handpicked recruits.

"Someone asked me if I wanted to set up a University. I said "No". I want to personally train & groom young persons to be entrepreneurs in real life - to become partners & co-owners of this company!

I tell my children too: 'job' security is an illusion of the '60s. Now, you have to look for OPPORTUNITIES!"
- Freddy Sim, Chairman, Eternal Financial Advisory

EFA was voted one of Singapore's Top 50 Enterprises (& the only Financial Advisory in the awardees!). What sets them apart... is YOU! They specially SOURCE & TAILOR plans to suit your needs & budget, never promoting products that don't FIT YOU. 

If you're interested in becoming a part of their industry or need services in the area of Wealth Preservation, Accumulation & Succession, just get in touch for a wealth of advice, no strings attached!

* I'd better mention: Freddy & EFA is not affiliated with my business! They are just great people with great professionalism & services I feel you should be aware of!

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